Tuesday, April 16, 2013


 3/30 : Describe your relationship with you parents

My parents are the best! My mom is my best friend! I've always cherished the close relationship I've had with her! I'll always remember one time someone in church, I don't know who. but someone commented on how they loved how close we are. She is such a hard worker and so willing to help! She is so easy to make fun of because she just says the funniest things sometimes. And we do it cause we LOVE you mom :o). I've learned from her by example. She has such a strong testimony of the gospel and truly wants what is best for her children. When we are sad she is sad, when we are filled with joy she is the happiest mom on earth and wants to share that joy with everyone! It has been so hard living so far away from her.

My dad is awesome! He is the most hardworking, honest, humble and smartest man I know! He's kind of a quiet to himself person but super dorky and hilarious at the same time! I love it when my dad laughs! He is also a very hardcore athletic super dad! Triathlons, marathons, Navy diver.... yeah he's hardcore. He is soft spoken, I don't remember him ever yelling. He is the best example and a worthy priesthood holder and I've always been thankful for that. He is also the easiest person to talk to. I wouldn't call myself a "daddy's girl" but I'm thankful for the close relationship we have and that I know I can count on him for anything!

I'm so blessed to have such loving parents who love each other. They have created a family who loves each other, who have good times together, and who actually like to be with each other :). I wouldn't trade them for anything! I hope that Josh and I will be just as awesome parents one day!

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