Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wiser Family Reunion 2012

This past weekend was spent up at Bear Lake for a family reunion! It was so great to see everyone! Some of them I hadn't seen in years!! I was also very excited to see my parents and sisters and brother (who I haven't seen since Christmas time!). I wish I would have taken more pictures but here are some of the highlights.

Got some of Bear Lake's "Famous Raspberry Shakes" 

Hung out in the church parking lot since we couldn't check in to the lodge yet. Kyle and Josh did some long boarding..

While Em and I watched. (My 'not so little' baby sister. She's getting too big!)

and my manly little brother! 

Super windy!

When we finally were able to check in Friday evening was spent hanging out, catching up, lots of hugging, introducing Josh to everyone, playing games, eating dinner, playing volleyball with everyone and celebrating all the June birthdays! 


The fam plus Sydney and Ethan (and not pictured- cousins, Josh, Richard and Uncle Don) hiked Minnetonka Cave! There were a total of 444 steps. So 888 total to the end and back. And the cave is about 40 degrees all year round. It was pretty cool, except we got stuck with some weird tour guide and an even weirder tourist mother/daughter group who knew everything there is to know about caves and made sure EVERYONE in the group knew it. SO annoying.

Some pretty cool formations inside the cave.

Chels and I inside.

They called this the "Stairway to Heaven" about 71 steps!

After the cave we went back to the lodge, ate a quick lunch, changed, and went down to the lake. Kim and Rich brought their fancy boat and toys! All we did was tubing because the water was SO freakin COLD!! and I forgot to bring the camera on the boat so no pictures to prove it :( The water was SO pretty, I wish it was warmer I wanted to swim so badly! And it was hard not to compare the beach to PCB.... The sand was dirty with sticks and rocks, the water by the shore was muddy :( I had to keep telling myself "this is a lake in Idaho, not the beach in Florida..." 

That night after dinner we roasted marshmallows and Snickers wrapped in a crescent roll. Weird huh? they were surprisingly SO GOOD! Thanks to Aunt Debby!

Cute little Eric!

Chels and I by the fire.

Lissa, Kyle and Sydney 

Lissa hiding from all the dumb moths that were EVERYWHERE!!


We went to church in the morning, All 40 of us. Along with the millions of other tourist! There were SO many people! 

After church we hung around the cabin, played games, ate lunch and had a little spiritual thought from Grandpa. He talked about how much he loved us all and how important family is! It was so sweet to listen to him talk about his love for us and the gospel. I'm so blessed to be apart of this wonderful family! 

After that we all split up and had some family alone time. We went up to this little lake called Tony Grove.

While up there Dad talked to us about about our family and how much he loves us. About how things are starting to change as we all get older. Me living in Utah (Maybe getting married soon ;] wink, wink)  Lissa going to school in Idaho, Chelsea starting her senior year then going to school somewhere... I love that even though we're all getting older and leaving "the nest" we can still stay so close to each other! Some days I miss us all being little and playing together outside, pretending Kyle and Chelsea are puppies, playing kick ball, jumping on the tramp, going to the beach as a family! But thats life, we're getting "old" and I'm excited to grow up and start my own family and eventually have out own Wiser family reunion!

Lissa and I up at the little Lake.

Sisters and brother! LOVE THEM SO MUCH!

Family plus Josh. (He's pretty much part of the family)

Love him.

Then we headed back to the lodge to take some family pictures, which I didn't take ANY! (I'm just planning on stealing them from other people :]). I did get this one though... 

Some of the Fry and Wiser cousins including Michael and Sydney (Kim's cute kids)


We packed up said our good byes and headed home!


Kyle playing with Michael. He is so stinking cute! Kyle is gonna be such a good little uncle and Dad one day.

I'm so glad we were able to spend some time with family this weekend! I am so thankful for all of them and their wonderful spirits and personalities! And I'm so glad Josh was able to come with me and meet everyone and be apart of the family!

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